Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Teaching a Bad Dog New Tricks

Dogs are wonderful teachers, I agree with David Buetow on that. Teaching a Bad Dog New Tricks takes and studies a dog’s behavior and how it is applicable to everyday life. Happiness in the simplest things, an understanding that it is not all about you, not letting your prejudices take a hold of your life, realizing that life is not that complicated all the time if you don’t make it, they all come from the Philosophy of Dog. Maybe one could argue drawing that philosophy is reading too much into a dog, which lives simplistically and day to day. Maybe living day to day is not such a horrible thing, though. Obviously the goal is not to live like a dog all the time, because then there is nothing separating you from an animal behavior-wise. But if you take the simplistic, almost child-like qualities and use them to stop stressing and focusing on the wrong things, it can help your outlook on life and to just pause and take a breath. Buetow explains that his dog helped him become less focus and learn to be loyal to and enthusiastic about his girlfriend. Take a dog quality and modify it so it can be used in a human situation. That beauty of using dog philosophy, applying it how and where and when exactly you want, is what makes it so appealing.

1 comment:

  1. Assertion Journal

    I completely agree with Rian and David Buetow, dogs have so much to teach us. Dogs unlike people are happy to meet anyone, and will love someone until they die. Nothing can stop a dog from being happy every time he sees his owner coming home, or from sticking his head out the window and enjoying the day. They are happiest with the simplest things; a bone and squeaky toy are like piles of gold to them. If people can learn to appreciate the simple thing is life and to ignore events and issues we have no control over, then life will be better for everyone. When people become consumed with work or life, and they don’t relax and just enjoy a good dinner or the company of a friend, then they are missing out on things that matter. I remember I got a chain-mail text once, and it was about a 6-year-old boy whose dog was being put down, because of cancer. His parents and the vet were wondering about why dogs lives are so short, when the little boy piped in. He said that people were born so we can learn how to live a good life and love everyone all the time and to be nice. His simple reason for dog’s short lives was that dogs already know how to love unconditionally, how to live a good life, and also be nice, so they don’t have to stay as long as people do. It is the simple truth; dogs have all the best human qualities, without our greed or pride. Dogs have many things to teach us and if people would only listen, we could be satisfied to just have someone as a loyal companion.
