Sunday, November 22, 2009

A; Sharing the Tragedy of War

In this artical by Aileen Mory, the responsibilites of a democracy are called into question. Mrs. Mory feels that we should all share burdens together. Her most detailed example involves the war in Iraq. Although Mory doesnt WANT her own sons to be drafted, she thinks that a draft is necessary for all of America to share this kind of burden. She doesnt think that its fair that some families are torn apart by events like war while others, like hers, are influenced in a much lesser way. In fact, Mory says that she doesnt really feel the burden at all.

In my opinion, every American is feeling the effects of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obviously we cant all relate to the pain experienced when a family loses a loved one, but we feel it in a much less painful way. We feel it through gas prices, through the economy, through taxes, and other outlets. I agree with Ms. Mory that a draft system is fair in a democracy, but we cant forget our heroes that VOLUNTEER their lives for their country. Soldiers who serve their country, draft or no draft, should be appreciated. By no means am I asserting that Mrs. Mory does not value these men and women, but I mean to express that they are helping to shoulder the burden for us. Whether we know them personally or not, this is one of the greatest gifts a person can give.

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