Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion- Political Cartoons

I would like to address an issue that I debated in one of my classes. We debated the drawing and publishing of political cartoons. It was a rather interesting topic to debate about. Many classmates joined in and some people interjected some rather interesting thoughts.
Some people said that it is wrong to draw and publish political cartoons about our government. I argued that it is not wrong, if it is done properly and for certain reasons. If a cartoonist draws a political cartoon poking fun at a politician or a decision that they made then I believe that is perfectly acceptable. Sometimes however, political “cartoons” can get out of hand. It is not acceptable to insult a politician or disgrace them.
Having an African American as president, not to mention the first ever African American President in our country’s history, insulting cartoons are more likely to be released than ever before. I was not necessarily a fan of George W. Bush as our President, however when I saw a political cartoon insulting him it almost insulted me in a way. No matter what, our President is our leader and even if we lend them our vote or not, we should support them and come together as a nation.
Political cartoons are often funny and make many people laugh. Although they are funny, some cartoons are meant to insult our politicians. No one should be insulted by a cartoon. It is completely different to insult someone and to make a joke about them, jokes are acceptable. After officials are elected, the only thing a political cartoon disgracing the official will do is get you in trouble. Having fun is fine, but let’s not insult them.

1 comment:

  1. Brian makes a good point concerning the drawing political cartoons. Keep in mind it is our freedom of press to publish whatever we like, whether or not it can be offensive to people. There is a fine line between poking fun at people, politicians in particular, and deliberately insulting them. In my opinion a good policical cartoon is meant to get a point across. Good cartoonists are able to get a point across and maybe poke a little fun at the subject. No matter how much we may dislike a particular politician we should be concious of what we are drawing and have a little respect for others.
