Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion- My Grades Determine My Future

I strongly, strongly, disagree with this essay. I personally believe that a grading scale are the bars that hold together the prison of our high school minds. The grading scale only makes people not work as hard or instead of shooting for the stars shooting for the glass ceiling. Sure grades determine your future because it is the standard our demented society lives on like size -1 super models or 6'5" men, but when you actually reach your future then what. What system is there then you do not get an 'A' for designing a bridge or 'C+' for writing a TPS report. This essay says that grades prevents laziness. I believe that grades cause laziness. What if instead of working for an 'A' or 'B' we work for being our best and getting rewarded like we do in the real world. Thats why people do not call school the real world because the nit-picky standards upheld in public schools does not apply out there. If you sell a house next to a power plant and under power lines you receive a bonus. If you write a groundbreaking paper in high school you receive an 'A+' and a metaphorical bonus. So why should we work harder just to get into a good college. Why cant we just work harder so that we may become, better students, better pupils, better friends, and most importantly of all better people.

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