Sunday, November 22, 2009

Assertion-Gaurding The Gift Of Freedom

This article by Lucius D. Clay establishes the idea that here in the U.S we need to protect our freedom and contribute it to the other areas of the world. He feels that we have already done a glorious job of that. I however, feel that although many efforts have been put out in extending the hand of freedom, not only in our country but in others as well, our efforts have not been sufficient enough to stop trying.

Clay proposes the idea that the United States has increasingly protected our freedoms and has turned into a helping nation. I believe this is true to some extent. For example, the United States' help to bring democracy to the Middle East. Also, in newspapers locally and nationally people are seen contributing to charities and programs for the less fortunate. A new trend in America is the adoption of less fortunate children from other countries such as China and Africa. By sending money, Americans can help feed and clothes a child in another country. Through these efforts, America is shown as a positive influence in the fight for freedom.

While these efforts seem hearty, America is not always the giving counrty. Clay states that more people and more governments are more willing to work together and that people are more willing to help their neighbor. While some Americans have taken on the responsibility of a good citizen who is willing to work with others, some have become increasingly selfish. The rage of some Americans has reached extreme levels. Not too long ago this was shown with a man opening fire in Fort Hood, Texas. Each day on the news there is a new murder to be investigated because someone for whatever reason was pushed too far. The divorce rate in America has sky rocketed recently. It is not uncommon for a child to have only one parent or a step parent living with them.

While Clay makes an excellent point that Americans have protected their freedom and have shared their freedom with other countries, I do not believe this general statement can be made. Each individual is different in their actions and behavior towards others which effects the outlook of America as a whole.

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