Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion- Assertion Journals

I would like to write an Assertion journal on writing Assertion journals. The journals have helped me express my views on many issues that bother me. I love having my fingers flow across the keys like a seagull gliding on waves. Everything comes naturally and the feeling is very mellow. I understand now why people us writing as a therapeutic technique.
Writing can be a good way to relieve stress both physically and mentally. I feel a sort of relaxation that I rarely feel. All of a sudden nothing is bothering me, nothing matters and everything is free and open with the world. I may sound odd for writing this however I am sure that many people have experienced this feeling. It is a great feeling, a feeling that I hope to experience more often now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish I had the same feeling as you, Brian. When I write assertion journals I wish I could have the happiness and no stress attitude that you seem to acquire, but unfortunately these blog posts cause me displeasure. I’m sure that when people write therapeutically, it is under a free-flowing, no pressure environment where due dates are non-existent; however, with assertion journals I do feel the pressure immensely to write well and make my diction eloquent and effectual. It causes me more stress than therapy in that I have to try and find a way to make sense of the jumbled, mixed up ideas in my head in order to explain them on paper clear and concisely. I do not feel free or clear when I am posting, the only time I do feel happy is when I am completely finished with the assignment. Maybe I am just not meant to be a writer, or maybe the joy of writing is an acquired taste with the help of an interesting topic and a good mood. That, I am not sure of, but what I am sure of is that if I liked to write, it would make these assertion journals a whole lot easier.

  3. I have to agree, to a point, with Symone. These blogs can be very stressful if you can't get the wheels turning and at that point you're stuck in a muddy pit of desperation trying to get yourself free of that dreaded writer's block. There is however a certain degreee of relief when you gat the ball rolling and begin to vent onto that one article or essay that really gets your knickers in a twist. I say it's all about personal prefernce, and it also depends on what essay you are writing about.
