Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Kind and Generous Heart- assertion journal

A Kind and Generous Heart

This article on generosity really affected me. I’ve known someone close to me who has needed donated organs, and this article really describes how I felt in the same situation. The article talks about the fact that this woman’s son needed a new heart. While everyone she knew was praying for an available heart, she knew that an available heart meant another child’s loss. This knowledge that another child would die in order for hers to live was terrifying to her. She felt awful praying for another child’s death for her own selfish gain. I understand this point of view completely. As a Christian, it is difficult to know if the person giving up their heart was a Christian, or if they never got the opportunity to hear about salvation. Uncertainty about the outcome of the situation creates fear.

This woman was truly grateful for the two extra years she had with her son, and when he finally passed, she still viewed it as a miracle. She did not forget the selfless gift given by another child; she constantly prayed for his/her family and thanked them for their generosity. Selfless gifts should always be appreciated, and too often they are overlooked. These acts of generosity do not have to be as big as the donation of an organ; they can be as small as doing a sibling’s chore when you know they’re feeling stressed. These small, selfless contributions, when performed by everyone, can make the world a kinder place to be. Having a generous heart can affect not only your own life, but those around you as well, even those you don’t know.

from: http://thisibelieve.org/essay/43396/

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