Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Truth (A)

Do you believe there is such a thing as truth? Yes, it is out there somewhere. I’m not sure where to find it or how to find it, but it is out there. Errol Morris in There Is Such a Thing as Truth believes you have to investigate it and ask questions to find it. Some people may ignore the truth and choose to stay in the dark. As people say, ignorance is bliss or the truth hurts; if you deny the truth or hide from it because of fear; you are taking the easy way out and not achieving the full advantage of honesty. Don’t take the simplest solution and stay uninformed, question the truth and understand it because denying yourself of the truth is denying yourself of knowledge and power. The truth will set you free; it will liberate you from all doubt or uncertainty in the world. With that much power in one idea it will be difficult to find and use correctly. During the sheer exploration or quest for the honest truth you may find many questions answered or unanswered; that is simply more reason to continue searching for the unforgiving, everlasting truth.

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