Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I disagree completely with Amelia's assertion that the Confederate Flag is still flown because of the southern states pride. To me it shows a on going racial discrimination feelings shown by white southern males. That flag has had the symbol of slavery, segregation and discrimination for the longest time and that has not changed in my opinion. When southern men fly that flag on their trucks or on their flag posts at their houses i think it is a disgrace to America that there is still racial hatred. I have been taught that way and I still see it that way and I personally have a hatred for those people who can't just live equally with some one from another race. The stereotype for that type of person has always been a white male but in today's society the fight of racism has become a multi race fight. In high schools african americans openly discriminate against white males. Its as if each race is fighting to be ahead and i just don't like it. It starts with flags then words, but what next? Fist fights and shoot out? Thats stupid. Why can't we all be friends.

1 comment:

  1. Irony, thy name is Patty Tabb. Nothing is more ironic than the idea of hating someone for being full of hatred.
