Sunday, November 15, 2009


Assertion—The Choice to do it Over Again

Daniel Flanagen was a high school dropout and was working at a dead-end-job and he could not read anymore. At the time he never though of trying to go back to school and get a better job until he had his first son. This gave him a lot more responsibility and made him realize that he needs to do something. He started to learn to read again with his son reading his little kid books it took him 2 years. After he learned to read again it took him another year and a half to get his GED. He then became a full-time college student. He said that he now believes in do-over and that it is a person’s choice whether to start over and try better. I agree that everyone has the chance to try something again and that it is completely that choice of the person to do it. I do not think that it is an easy thing to do and it would probably take then a lot of hard work and time to get their life on track and to start living a successful life. If a person wants to start over and try to have a better life I say go for it and don’t ever give up just keep try and you will eventually succeed.

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