Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion Journal- Atheism

Since I've been attending church for as long as I can remember, it is hard for me to understand how a person could say there is no God. In my life I've experienced numerous moments where I knew there had to be a higher power that was giving me the strength to proceed. In this article by "George" he discusses how his son was in a car accident that could of killed him, but to him it wasn't God who had assisted him in his time of need, but all the people who had been involved in the saving of his life, including the EMT and doctors. If it had been someone close to me in the accident, I could have never gone through the experience and believed God had nothing to do with the survival of my loved one. There are times when I pray for something to happen and I believe God brings it to me. Its times like these when I can't understand how people believe there is no higher power. Some things you can leave to be answered by science, but others, you have to leave up to God.

1 comment:

  1. Although I am a Catholic and I believe in god, you sometimes have to wonder if there really is one. What proof do we have other than what the bible says? I sometimes think of religions as a game of telephone, where a word is started by one person, and is whispered to each person until the end where the word is often times very different from the original. I think that the religion is distorted throughout history, as it gets passed down through the generations. What might have started as a man preaching his beliefs with a few followers might have become an entire religion over a number of years.
