Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Assertion- Public Schools

When we were talking about public schools today in class I was wondering, is this at all similar to public healthcare debate going on right now? I mean the government wants health insurance available to all Americans like they do education, and you are not just limited to the public option you can receive health insurance from private companies as much as you can receive education from from private schools. There is also the debate that the healthcare bill will turn the United States into a communist dictatorship but we have had public schools for years. Public schools is an institution paid by tax payers and is available for everyone. In fact it is illegal to not go to school (if your under sixteen). So does that mean we have always been a little communist this whole time without us knowing it?

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with Matt when he says that the public education issue can be connected to the public health care debate; however, I would not go as far to involve the government. Being a little communist does not mean our entire government system and beliefs are communist, it just allows this nation to adopt other policies that would benefit society, no matter the political party. I say as long as it works or is a benefit to society, does it really matter the political affiliation? Now, then someone could bring up the point that is public education or public health care really benefiting our society? I don’t think that can be answered by one person’s opinion or even a small group’s opinion. I also don’t believe it is right for society to be calling this government or government’s polices “communist” or “socialist”. So what if they are a little “communist”. If they benefit the country, you have t wonder if it part affiliation even matters.
