Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion Journal- Confederate flag

Confederate Battle Flag: Heritage or Racism
By: Imogen Rayne

I rember the first time I heard someone call the Rebel flag racist. I was riding in a car on the way to a church youth group function and a girl in the car saw a rebel flag bumper sticker and said the owners of the car were "horrible people". Like the author of the article, I agree that it is understandable how someone would mistake it for a racist symbol, but most people do not use it as a symbol of hate.
The southern states did not secede frim the union soley because of slavery. Probably the biggest reason was states rights, which I know is not a racist topic.
I believe that the rebel flag represents southern pride. Even though there are hate groups that use it, most people do not share these group's beliefs. When I look at a Confederate flag, I see the pride people feel in where they come from; a love of their heritage, rather than the hate of a group.

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