Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion: Finding Acceptance in Macaroni and Cheese


Personally, I find macaroni and cheese to be delicious and consider it a food group on its own. Since a young age, like the author, i have had a very specific love for food. Notice how i said "specific". Many of the foods i refuse to eat just so happen to be traditional food at my family's dinner table. Mushrooms, any type of fish, cantaloupe, green beans, whole wheat bread, tomatoes, lentils, and anything with related to apples (among other things) made me my stomach churn and turned my face green in disapproval. Interestingly enough however, i was obsessed with oatmeal, cheese, onions, and even asparagus for at least a month each. As expected, i can no longer eat any of these foods in excess since they make me feel sick. But each time my lovely family sat at the dinner table my mom would "forget" that i hated one of the above foods, and end up mixing it in in the most impossible-to-remove way. Of course, complaining to her about this would only annoy her and begin the lecture titled: "Why do you have to be so picky and make dinner so difficult for me, last time your cousin was here he ate everything on his plate and on yours", and so on and so forth. Well let me inform you that my cousin is a growing teenager over 6 feet tall and will eat anything on a plate when he is hungry. He doesn't have to worry about hurting the feelings of others by simply refusing their food. I, also like the author, keep my mouth shut and continue to love my family even when they criticize my eating habits. It is what makes me unique from them, and not even a bowl of apple sauce or a mushroom casserole can change this.

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