Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Assertion- The Power of Music

From The This I Believe I found an article about the power of music. In many ways I agree to this essay because I firmly believe that music transcends race, age, and background. Music does not only help you connect with others it also helps you to understand the world around you and yourself as a human being. For example if you are a musician the length of notes is very important and when you first learn pieces of music you actually have to count out the rhythms but after a while you do not need to count at all you feel the songs temple inside you and it keeps you going. Music can also describe greatly the world around you more than anything you could ever read. Sure words can tell you what things look, smell, or even taste but they cannot adequately describe what a substance feels like emotionally so that you may also share that experience with the composer. This is the true power of music you are always apart of it and you can feel and experience what you want or what the composer wanted its always up to you.


  1. The power of music is truly a great wonder that has been able to transcend through the ages and through the cultural and racial differences. Music has a power to influence a persons decisions, the power to bring people together, and power to inspire. Music so vastly known, it is so common place in our world that sometimes music is not even noticed, but since it is so vastly known throughout the world, music is still a major source of human expression. Music, by a lot of peoples perspective, is what shows their true selves, meaning, music is the soul expression of who they really are. Music is the true expression of the human, and it is what shows the rest of the world what that person is feeling or what is on that persons mind. Music has so much power within it that it can not even be contained within anything. Music is so powerful that nothing can "truly" conquer it, it is a free-roaming idea and expression that has the power to change even the toughest of souls, it is what really makes the world go 'round. Music is an inspiration that has more effect on people then that of love, peace, and even hate, music has the power to change the world everyday, and it does.To describe music as a "power" is really an understatement because music has so much more importance and influence in the world that the word "power" does not show or state its full potential as a way of life or the way it is shown throughout the world. It has so much more to do with the fact that every culture of the world and every person of the world has used music, it is a characteristic of every human in the world to like music, and has used it to show how they perceive their world around them. Music is even called the purest form of expression because it shows the depth of the person who has made it, and it shows the feeling of the musician and how they perceive the world in the piece, happy or sad, angry or love, it all depends. The music that is being played has so much depth to it, even when most think that there is none there, that once it is found, it shows the true feelings of the piece that it makes the viewer feel an emotion. Music has its roots in different places of the world, but that music is in every culture shows that even the most seperate cultures of the world experience the power of music everyday; music is a power that has no limits.

  2. You are correct that music has no limits. That is why it cannot be accurately described with mere words on a page or books on a shelf. We as human beings cannot fully comprehend it to a point were composers and musicians feel psychological and physiological distressed from creating such an abstract and beautiful entity. Music is love. Music is life.
