Sunday, November 15, 2009


Assertion—A little outrage can take you a long way

In this essay Cecila Munoz says that one day one of her friends made her really made and the anger that was caused from this carried her a long way to where she is today. She was really angry with her friend because she said that if the US went to war with a country in Latin America that she and her family should be put in a camp like the Japanese were in World War 2. Cecila Muniz says that this anger carried her all the way to working with immigrants and in the civil rights movement. I agree that anger can carry you a long way and help you get to a place that you want to get to, if your anger is used in the right way. If you decided to use your anger violently then I believe that would be a bad way of trying to achieve justice. I think that being angry that someone said something like that or that people would actually do something like that should drive you forward to fix it and help change peoples mind that you are now Americans and that this is your home.

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