Thursday, October 1, 2009

(R) The War for Independence Was a Social Revolution Gordon Wood

The American Revolution was a war for change and independence. The colonies emerged from under British control to form their own new free nation and government. The revolution altered the former ways of thinking and gave new ideas to many Americans. Even though there was not an immediate change in independence for women and slaves, their social liberty came in the long run. This war made America into an independent, egalitarian, and socially diverse nation. I agree with Gordon Wood in saying that the American Revolution was a social one because it triggered new ideas, gave social liberty to everyone, and made America the super power that it is today.

The American Revolution changed many Americans’ outlook on society. The relationships between people revolutionized; they viewed each other in a more equal light. Their ideas became independent and liberal, in the sense that people were not afraid to think against the status quo. Patriotism was another effect of the revolution. Wood refers to the Patriots vs. the Courtiers; the Patriots were independent thinking people who loved their country and earned their rank by hard work, unlike the courtiers, who received their status by hereditary or powerful connections. Other new ideas came from the suppressed people like women and slaves.

Even though the American Revolution did not immediately give freedom to women and slaves, it does not indicate that they did not prosper at all from this uprising. During the war, when the husbands were away, the women cared to the home, maintained the business, and worked on the farm. These responsibilities activated liberal ideas within the female mind and they began to want independence and more rights. Although their change did not come instantly after the war, it affected the future female generations of America. The idea of slavery was becoming less popular, especially in the northern states. Philadelphia started the first anti-slavery society in America in 1775. Some states apprehended against having slaves because of the new egalitarian way of thinking. These open-minded ideas affect the society of America today.

The liberal and equal ideas of the American Revolution are reasons why America is the most free thinking and democratic nation in the world today. Before the revolution, the colonies did not have a strong desire to be independent from the British. They only wanted their few grievances addressed and the prevention of more British taxes. The colonies did not expect the revolution to affect the structure of today’s society as greatly as it has. Nonetheless, it affected the way people work together and communicate with each other in 1776 as much, and more, as it does today.

Gordon Wood’s article stated that the American Revolution was social. I agree that even though some groups did not receive change as quickly as others, it is still social. It changed the relationships between people and made a more equal society. Women did not gain rights immediately, but they started a new mindset of liberalism and gained independence eventually. The northern states abolished slavery in their area because they felt it went against their new viewpoint of society. Overall, the revolution transformed America into an egalitarian and liberal society.

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