Friday, October 23, 2009

A Memo from FIDO (The Frustrated, Indignant Dog Organization)

What is this!? Or perhaps more accurately, who is this!? You’ll have to pardon me if I seem upset…because I am. Mrs. Hodgman has published this, this drivel, launching an unfounded and misdirected attack on the meals that my fellow canines and I choose to dine on. As a human being, in the loosest sense of the term, Hodgman has minimal license to comment on our diet, even considering her inane experimentation in tasting such, for the same reason that my compatriots and I refrain from voicing our opinions concerning the swill consumed by our bipedal “masters”. This is primarily because we are separate creatures from them and know little about the intricacies of their preferences. For this reason, we expect that Hodgman will consider her statements more carefully in the future.

Yours Sincerely,


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