- Clinton barely won either of his elections.
- Left no legacy of "bold innovation in domestic policy or departure from traditional nationalist foreign policy".
- Said to have maintained military budgets on Cold War levels.
- In 1996 Clinton and Congress passed the "Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act", which allowed deportation of any immigrant who was ever convicted of a crime.
- Summer of 1996, Clinton signed a law to end the federal government's guarantee of financial help to poor families with dependent children. This alienated his former liberal supporters.
- Clinton saw foreign aid as a political and economic tool more than as a humanitarian act.
- U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed in 1998, Clinton responded by bombing Afghanistan (said to be target of terrorism activity) and a medical plant in Sudan which produced medicines for half their population (said this was a chemical weapons manufacturer).
- In 1998, Monica Lewinsky, a young government worker, was making secret visits to the White House for "sexual liasions with Clinton".
- CLinton lied about the relationship with Lewinsky.
- The House of Representatives voted to impeach him on the ground htat he had lied in denying "sexual relations" with Lewinsky and obstructed justice by trying to conceal information about their relationship.
- The Senate did not vote for his removal from office.
- Clinton continuously cose military action over diplomacy
- In 1998, one-thrid of working people in the U.S. had jobs that paid at or below the federal poverty level.
Those are all the notes I took that I felt were of at least some importance to the chapter.
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