Friday, July 31, 2009

Chapter 24: The Clinton Presidency (Notes)

Thesis: While Bill Clinton claimed to want to bring change and progress to the country, his eight-year presidential term actually retained many of the same aspects and characteristics as his conservative predecessors.

Election and Appointments
1. Bill Clinton never won by a large percentage of votes. In the 1992 election, he received 43% of the vote. In 1996, he received 49%.
Note: About half the population did not vote in either election.
2. In 1992, his rivals were George H.W Bush and Ross Perot.
3. In 1996, his rival was Bob Dole.
4. Clinton appointed liberals but concerning his key appointments, they were absent.
If the voices of appointees became too bold, Clinton would withdraw his support.
· Lani Guinier
· Jocelyn Elders

Crime and Immigration
1. While Clinton ran for president in 1992, he told the public he was tough on crime.
2.Clinton’s crime bill was produced with the intention of emphasizing punishment. It was to give money towards the construction of prisons.
3. Clinton approved an attack on a group of religious zealots in Waco Texas (Waco Siege) that resulted in the deaths of eighty-six men, women and children
4. Clinton like the previous presidents would divert the displeasure of the American population towards the minorities that were unable to defend themselves.
5. Clinton’s cabinet would often exaggerate the problems of other countries to hide the faults of America.
6. Timothy McVeigh was the Oklahoma City bomber, which cost 168 lives.
Note: This further encouraged the death penalty and proper punishments for crimes.
7. Clinton passed the “Anti-Terrorism and effective death penalty act” in 1996. The act allowed the deportation of any immigrant previously convicted of a crime.
· Alien sedition laws of 1798
· McCarran-Walter act

1. Clinton ended the government’s guarantee of financial aid to poor families with the responsibilities and work opportunity act of 1996.
2. The purpose of the “welfare reforms” was to cut off the financial benefits after two years, forcing the poor to find jobs that they were unable to get.

Military, war and foreign policy
Note: Clinton opposed the war in Vietnam and rejected military service.
1. During his presidency, Clinton continued to increase military spending.
2. At least $250 billion a year was used in military spending.
Note: Clinton further increased the national deficit left by the Bush and Reagan administrations (4 trillion dollars).
3. During Clinton’s presidency, the United States replaced the Soviet Union as the world’s leading arms dealer.
4. Clinton’s foreign policies were bipartisan and continued trade with those in power and disregarded their records concerning human rights.
5. Somalia: The United States intervened in a conflict in Somalia.
Note: casualties: America 19, Somalia: 2000
6. Rwanda: America insisted that the UN force in Rwanda be cut back. Rwandan genocide ensued.
7. Clintons foreign policy centered on keeping friendly relations with the governments in power and reaping the benefits of being in favor with them.
Note: We still aided Indonesia after discovering their mass murders!

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